Tuesday, July 10, 2012

June Lie Lineth

That’s what I used to say when I was little, when telling people when my birthday was. That day has rolled around once more, marking my 27th birthday yesterday. I thought because my birthday was on a Monday this year that it would be pretty boring (as are all Mondays…the reminder that you’re starting all over again and the weekend is as far away as it can be…) but I must say that it in fact turned out to be quite a wonderful day.

I know everyone has those days where everything just seems to go wrong and one thing after the other are pushing them into a particularly dark place, and sometimes the bad days seem to outnumber the good. I get it, I’ve been there. But yesterday was one of those days that doesn’t come around too often where you just feel truly blessed, I don’t mean just because it was my birthday, but in general…it just happens to have occurred on that day. Blessed to look back at the past generations and see what a beautiful family my ancestors started and from there they had children, and their children had children and then Marvin and Louella Kennedy (known to us as Papaw and Mamaw) had children. One of them in particular, Jacquelyn (my Grammy),

 is one of the most (if not THE most) absolute wonderful, lovely, amazing, gentle, kind, classy ladies on this planet! Her and my grandaddy had 5 kids and thus grew a huge family full of aunts and uncles, and cousins. Last, but certainly not least, I should mention my remarkable parents, my brother and my little sister. Someday I will write about my family history, because it’s worth being told.

And then there’s my husband…. this handsome little gem.

My husband in a precious soul, who I can’t imagine not being in my life. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve him and at times I just look at his beautiful face and think “Why did you choose ME of all people?!” I’ve prayed my whole life for this man to turn up, and turn up he did on September 24, 2009. *sigh*
So, why am I so interesting to even have a blog anyway? I’m not really, but there is one main reason. Her name was Rheagan (Hughes) Leatherwood. She was a family friend of ours who passed away suddenly, and far too soon. One of her friends a few months ago stumbled across a blog she had been keeping and we were all pretty excited about it. She wrote about her life; her kids, her husband, the family trips they would take and her faith. I bet that in her writing she didn’t see it as the words she’d “leave behind” but indeed that’s what it became. I started to think that no one is guaranteed tomorrow, or even our next breath, every moment should be spent expressing your love to other people, and most importantly the one’s you love most.

So that’s the real madness behind this endeavor of mine. I want to share myself with those who care to read it. That’s the beauty of this platform.


  1. You've made me want to start my blog back up....whether anyone reads it right now or not. I used to blog all the time, but very little in the last couple of years. Enjoy, and glad to get to know a distant cousin, even if it is only on the internet. :)

    1. That's awesome! Send me the address to yours! I'd love to keep up :-)
